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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Uprisings in Arab World-Could America Be the Next Battle Front?

The uprising in Arab world should also be a wake up call for the developed countries such as America and United Kingdom.Anyone who has followed keenly the development in the Arab world should be able to see that there is more than what meets the eye.America finally managed to penetrate the Arab world and diffuse their ideology of self liberty regardless of ones religion.There is and has been a gross violation of human rights in most Arab states. Take a careful look at what is happening in Libya for example.Fortunately its too late for the these leaders as the masses have realized there is something called self liberty and they are very conscious about it and ready to die for it. These events taking place around the Arab world signify a changing world where the citizens are taking back power that is traditionally exercised by the executive.

The mammoth number of protesters
waving banners that we are witnessing on our mass media  epitomized an emerging trend among Africans to revolt against dictatorial regimes decreed by rulers who have no slightest respect for the rule of law.It is such events that put a smile on the faces of our neocolonialist  in the west.

The general feeling, we must be ignorant not to admit, across the world is that the West is very enigmatic on regime change in Africa . But this sort of change should send the strongest message to them that it could happen in their world too. It is not just bad for Africa but for such countries as United Kingdom and the United States of America as well and should be discouraged.

Let us look at it, the sort of uprising witnessed in Tunisia and Egypt could as well happen to the US. Perhaps you ask how? Did you  not notice how similar the grievances and issues
the people in Egypt and Tunisia were articulating are to those of people in New Orleans for instance?Are they any peculiar from the suffering of the orphaned and underprivileged children in Pennsylvania?
As was the case in the two countries-Tunisia and Egypt- where men and women, young and old gathered in the cities to push the countries’ leadership to surrender, with their dripping tears and oozing blood, so could be the case in the USA.In the past few days we have watched the cries and wailing of men and women and children, hundred of thousands of them, what we didn’t care to ask is if  their cries echo and represent the rest of Europe.
Have we not witnessed the same cries as those in the US society? Did we not hear them say they were demanding reforms to make their governments more effective,more representative, more responsive, and more public oriented?
Contrary to what their lopsided mass media tells us, a majority of Americans want a publicly-managed health care system that provides affordable coverage for everyone. And  its also on the public domain that a majority of Americans want a rapid end to continuing occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan by America soldiers  and an end of war against the people of Iraq and Afghanistan. As we watched Tunisia and Egypt uprising did we not note that the country has young very highly qualified  professionals, middle class, educated people complaining bitterly about a lack of opportunity? Is it any different in the USA? This could be a little disturbing how well those pictures mirror the US situation. But look, the gap between the rich and the poor is wider in the USA as well. Therefore the question one should ask is, Is America so democratic and free that scenes such as those witnessed in Tunisia and Egypt and not even possible in that country?I will leave you to answer that question

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