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Monday, June 20, 2011

What about drinking?

As I write this blog I am in deep thoughts of an informative argument we had with some of my friends regarding alcohol taking. I am also reminded of a common adage that beautiful young people are accidents of nature,and beautiful old people are works of art.This will become clear as we progress.I have never had an issue with those that drink and I occasionally buy my friends alcohol when asked to do so. On the other hand I do not drink at all out of principle and I expect my friends to respect me and let me be. Kindly allow me to diffuse my reasons.
There is one thing that should be condemned with contempt, this is when people use the wrong premise to justify what they do.Some people argue that the Christian faith is not exactly against alcohol consumption. They base their argument on the fact that Paul advised Timothy to take a little wine for his stomachs sakes.They also argue that Jesus had no business turning water into wine if the wine was not for drinking. By providing alcohol at a wedding,  the critics argue that, Jesus was endorsing alcohol.My reasoning is based on the word of God and common sense. My crystal ball tells me that there is alcoholic and non-alcoholic wine and we cannot say with certainty that the wine Jesus created was alcoholic. The same goes with Paul.
In another instance, we are advised not to be drunk with wine but to be filled with the Holy Spirit(Ephesians 5:18-19).There are more scriptures that condemn alcohol consumption than allow it. In fact scripture says wine is a mocker and beer a brawler. Whomever they lead astray is not wise.Imagine the case of a grown man who urinate on a table that sits a couple enjoying a quiet evening simply because he thinks  the table is the wash room.
It's good to be realistic and objective at the same time.There have been scientific discoveries on some of goodness one can derive from drinking  especially the red wine. However its also important to note that, alcohol is closely associated to every negative aspect of the society suicide,violent crime,birth defects,industrial accidents,domestic and sexual abuse,disease,homelessness,and death .Its knows no racial,ethnic,social or economic barriers.You will always see shocked children when daddy walks in drunk. He will shout out all sorts of words and his slurred  speech. In some homes, daddy’s arrival signifies the beginning of a reign of terror. He will proceed to harass mummy with the children pleading with him to stop beating her.Alcohol consumption is the surest way of inviting poverty into your house. He who loves pleasure will become poor; whoever loves wine and oil will never be rich. How many times have we seen people who squander their salary in one moment of folly when they decide to buy an entire bar beer?
Listen to the word of God. Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has strife? Who has complaints? Who has needless bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes? Those who linger over wine, who go to sample bowls of mixed wine. Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly! In the end, it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper.Alcohol has killed and maimed people. It is the cause of many a victims being confined to wheelchairs. It has led to divorce. It is also responsible for the spread of STD’s and HIV. Its now being argued that alcohol has an adverse effects on the brain cells,some die and others are altered, when taken in an unregulated  and that maybe the reason why alcohol consumption is one reason associated with migraine. Alcohol taking is also a major predisposing factor in lifestyle diseases such as cancer,stroke,damage of heart muscles and is toxic to a struggling heart.Indeed scientific studies have demonstrated that even moderate use of alcohol may account for 5 to 15 percent of all hypertension. Also key to note is the effect of alcohol on your lungs,reproductive system,liver and your immune system.In women,even daily drink or two raises breast cancer risk.
For all it is worth, stay away from this lethal drink if you have to, please keep it low,very low indeed.And as I have always said alcohol is only for the disciplined. As for me I think coffee, chocolate,tea, and juice will do.I am also aware that it's a free world.

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