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Friday, April 15, 2011

NCIC Report on Bias Appointment in the Civil Service is both Myopic and Incomplete.

The NCIC released a report showing how there is lack of representation of some tribes in the public service.The report made very glaring findings of how some tribes have dominated public appointments.Even though the findings provide a glimpse on the appointment in the public service,its fails to make some important considerations.

The report assumes that everybody from every other tribe would want to work in the public service.This is not necessarily true.Some people based on certain variables would want to work elsewhere.The report is also simplistic in its assumptions that all tribes started at the same level after independence.Historians and experts a like will tell you that this is not true and that the colonialists favoured some communities against the others.This then means that some tribes started and an advantaged platform.

The report tend to assert  and argue that the Kikuyu's and Kalenjin dominance is as results of political patronage from the fact that this tribes have enjoyed presidency.However the report does not explain why the other tribes such Luhya,Luo and Kamba dominate  the some sectors of the pubic service,yet they are largely represented.

Its important that the findings  should have tried to explain  why its hard to find experts from certain regions in this country,Why for example there lack experts from certain regions.Its sometime becomes hard to get teachers from certain regions or nurses for example.The report also failed to identify what other minority communities interest  themselves in.The Asian for example dominate in certain businesses such as banking sector.The Arabs dominate the the shipping sector.To argue that these communities have been discriminated against in the public service appointment is simplistic and incomplete.The NCIC should have also tried to identify the reasons of this skewness in the public sector. What they should have advocated for is redistribution. and affirmative action,where minority communities are given special considerations.The report also fails miserable as it does not recognize the gains made toward this endeavour.Although there has been positive development in terms of representation of all tribes in the public services the NCIC report chose to ignore this.

The report cannot therefore be relied to make any important recommendations.Its both myopic and incomplete,Its lacks the holistic approach of any top notch report.

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