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Thursday, April 14, 2011

I Weep for My Beloved Country Kenya!

Over the last few days I have followed the happenings in our country in dismay and shock and I can say without any fear of contradiction that I fear that if we continue with this trend,we will fail miserably as a country. Its pans my heart in realizing that we learned no lesson in what happened in 2007/2008.If you thought we were divided as a country in the run up to 2007 elections then you are wrong.Our country is again at the brink and we are actually divided as a nation more. If we are not careful then we may end up with a worst situation than what we had back on 2007/2008.I am not a pessimist but I am a keen observer of the happenings around me. Where are we going wrong?one may ask.

Please allow me to explain,the social media today has become one of the most powerful tool in information sharing. Indeed experts are arguing that if social media is not carefully utilized it may be the cause friction in many countries.The extent to which people are spreading hate speech and propaganda through the social media is a recipe for disaster. People are blatantly using egregious and flagrant words and are spreading graphics that are meant to attack individual character.To be more specific,the issue of the so called "Ocampo Six" has degenerated to a contest of who can use the most gross, outrageous, notorious and derogatory words in the social media.Its not beyond any ones ken that this kind of intolerance,incapacity or indisposition  is not good for this country.People make the issue at hand  personal and rather than sticking to the issue at hand some have resulted in attacking other tribes and exposing their myopic view of the world. its clear that tension is rising and anger is building and if this trend is not checked we are then cheating ourselves while talking about reconciliation. Please note that I am not saying people should not make use of the social media,on the contrary information is power and thus the social media is playing and integral part in information sharing.What we should abhor and discern is misuse of the same as a tool to create friction among people.

Our media also has not played its role and has failed .They seem to have forgotten what it means to be called the fourth estate.I have stated several times in this forum and others that our learned  men and women of the fourth estate have knocked themselves off the pedestal. They concentrate too much on what is not helpful to this country.The reason why they have focused almost all their energy to the proceedings at the ICC still baffles me. Indeed I see no reason why they should not commit the same energy and space in focusing on the MAU MAU case going on in the High Court in London.So many things need key attention such as the constitution implementation,high fuel cost,the issue of IDPs among others.Its important that our media highlight the problems afflicting the common man and woman in every part of this country. The myriad problems Kenyans are facing should be at the centre play of all media houses.

The issue of the ICC has divided this country even further.Even though the intentions of the ICC and Kofi Annan could have been honest, I do not think and I stand to be corrected that the happenings at the ICC will unite this country or will it help in rooting out impunity.Impunity can only be won against when we decide as a country and we are genuine.Our politicians have already made it worse by exposing their shallow views on the issue.They have taken the ICC issue for political gains.Indeed politics have become no longer issue based but rather politics based on brinkmanship and grandstanding.This is not good for us as a country.I will also apportion blame to the ICC prosecutor, Mr.Ocampo.The way he conducted his work leave a lot to be desired.His love for the media attention and his occasional outburst and chest thumping has been a tragedy of gigantic proportion. This has made it look like he is working for some forces behind.Even if this is unlikely to be true,his erratic behaviour communicate otherwise. Its has always been my argument that Kenya should seek peace first then justice.Not forgetting the victims of the 2007/2008 post election violence who I sympathise and empathise with each day,but I think its time we carefully thought what we are doing as country.Indeed we should learn lessons from South Africa and Ireland.There is no way we can say we are seeking peace and justice after prosecuting the six only;what about the people who actually killed and committed other horrendous crimes who continue to walk around freely.Is this not impunity?Truth,Justice and Reconciliation without any degree of equivocation will offer the best way forward for this country.

Our politicians should also stop politicizing the ICC issue.They should allow the process to take it course as they invited the predicament on themselves.They had a chance to establish a local mechanism but they thought they were wiser. I believe the reason why most Kenyans want ICC is not because they have no faith in Kenya courts, but to tell politicians that we as Kenyans are wise and you cannot use us as pawns every time you want.Kenyan witnessed the whole issue as it unfolded in parliament.This is what I call ideological terrorism which our politicians have perfected.They use this on the masses when they are cornered in order to win people support.

Its apparent that we need to go  back to the drawing board as a nation.We cannot continue this way.We must forge as a united force and as one country.We must not allow our country to be wasted again.As a people we must not be hostile or intolerant to each other.We must watch what we say and must be ready to be held responsible for what we do and say.I hope and pray that we shall see the need to change our ways as country and I am conscious of the fact that it start with me!

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