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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Most of the current MPs will not make it to Parliament in 2012

Its apparent that most Kenyans want something productive and profitable to do for work, a conducive home for their family, a school with good education for the children, a decent healthcare system that will help us  in case we fall ill/have an accident, a professional police officer  who is tough on rogues and rascals,  nice food, and a serene environment to hang out with friends.

That is what I personally want, and that what makes me one of the millions of ordinary Kenyans, and since 1992 we have replaced at least seven out of every 10 Members of Parliament each general election because they did not understand how to deliver what we wanted. However,my crystal ball tells me that in 2012 we will replace as many as nine out of every 10 current MPs, for several reasons. The current crop of MPs are at best ignorant and myopic and at worst a labyrinth of obnoxious fellows.Allow me to explain.

1. Last election in 2007.

Despite the national trauma and shame of the 2007/2008 general election the current Parliament has been impotent and cannot seem to agree on whether crimes were committed during the 2007/2008 post election violence, and to set aside individual political interests to fully resettle the people displaced during that violence. Even through it is very clear that crimes were committed, they cannot agree on what to do with perpetrators. They are unable to engage with the PEV victims and provide solutions to the disruptions and desperations that occurred in their lives. This confusion has been constant even where solutions have been suggested by civil society, religious leaders and the international community.A suggestion was for cases against those suspected to bear the highest responsibility for the 2007 PEV be tried at The Hague, which Parliament initially supported. However, we watched disgracefully as the same Parliament with no iota of shame close ranks in December 2010 to vote for Kenya to withdraw from the Rome Statute because the ICC Prosecutor had mentioned three of its MPs as the suspects. Event though I have never supported how Mr.Ocampo conduct his work I still believe ICC is the only credible mechanism at the moment until we will have sound judiciary.

They made this decision despite the fact that those of us who were affected by the death of 1,133 other ordinary killed during this violence, and the suffering of hundreds of thousands who had been sexually assaulted or forcefully ejected from their homes, were still waiting for justice over three years down. They then went on and spent over Sh70 million in shuttle diplomacy to stop the process while simultaneously holding weekly, highly toxic political rallies to campaign against the ICC. Finally, 40 of their members flew all the way to the Netherlands to stand in the gallery and cheer on the Ocampo Six as they answered the ICC summons. 

2. Our new constitution.

As ordinary Kenyans we know that we have this constitution despite, rather than because, of what a large percentage of this Parliament wanted. Kenyans are aware that most MPs were either in the mainstream 'NO' brigade, or in the more devious and cheeky watermelon team.We are aware that  whereas in other parts of the world the NO/Watermelon MPs would either have resigned after such a resounding defeat, or taken a spectator position on the implementation of a document they aggressively resisted, in Kenya they will want to be in charge of the process of implementing it, and therefore must be voted out in the next election if we are to make progress.

In the meanwhile we will shore up small gains of this new constitution, like the fact that we are now able to convert very covert public appointments into transparent processes. In fact, we are still getting used to the audacity of watching a man wearing an ear stud get all the way to the position of Kenya's Chief Justice, despite the politics of the day, because he qualifies and therefore cannot be denied.

Finally on TV in 2009 a second-term MP was taken to task by young people to explain why he thought that Parliament does not change in character even when we remove so many of its old members every election.He blatantly argued that he had learnt that House affairs, as well as government decisions were determined by a pretty small group, approximately 10pc, of the House.He explained that this people had either been in power for long, or they had networks with those who had been in power for long. We also learnt that the main strategy of ensuring they retained power over parliament was to determine who the 'new' faces in parliament would be, either by funding their campaigns and/or manipulating party nominations appropriately.

This meant that the new faces toed the old line, and played second fiddle to this inner circle. This scenario was confirmed when Mutava Musyimi was quoted by media as having said that 'Hii Bunge ina wenyewe'. However, this now changes with the option of independent candidates, as well as the fact that by 2012 most of these gentlemen ( will be too old to play this role effectively. So, as an ordinary Kenyan I am inclined to believe that we will change up to 98pc of this Parliament next year even as it becomes more apparent that most of them learnt nothing from 2007 and will continue to risk taking us into a greater scale of what we lived through as they compete for even more personal power.

My only worry is if by changing the faces we  will be changing the character of the Parliament this time, but that is the discussion we will hold later.Let us all with one accord foster an attitude of love, forgiveness and reconciliation.It must not escape us that we must pray for our country for tranquillity and sobriety.We must encourage one another towards the greater vision we have for our country.God bless Kenya!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

When great names come crushing!

The events of the past few weeks have had me deeply reflecting on what happens when power goes to a man’s head as we witnessed three great men get floored by their behaviour around the opposite sex that may be hard to understand. kindly allow me to explain.

Samuel Wanjiru was a great athlete and his prowess is  in no doubt and chances are that it will be a long time before we have another like him.It is distressing that his achievements, featured across major papers in the world after he died, are being painted against the backdrop of a colourful collage of bedroom shenanigans.In another country, another man , Dominique Strauss-Kahn the immediate head of IMF-International Monetary Fund is about to have his career record and presidential ambitions decimated by his quest to bed some unwilling woman.What is even more mesmerizing is that this man, who has made a life out of helping over 1160 countries put their financial houses in order, has a track record of constantly unleashing his unwelcome attention on women.Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger,the former governor of California state has divorced with his wife due to similar reasons.

Surely, it is somewhat comical that while the globe has been reeling from the mess of the economic crisis and rising inflation, the man still had time to bully some unwilling woman to perform some rather bizarre acts of pleasure on him.Strauss-Kahn, who presides over an institution that prescribes serious structural adjustment programmes for nations even admitted that he could not help his addiction for women.Because we seem to have become a country that churns out numerous celebs and men and women of power, I think it is time we gave them a reality check.
To begin with, no man should assume that having a sudden burst of power and money turns him into a sexy demi-god.All those women who seem to magically appear at every turn have not suddenly discovered some unseen talents.The truth is that nothing is sexier for a woman than a hefty wallet that sits on the  pocket of a powerful man.
It does not matters if the said owner is a midget, a giant, skinny or is even a tub of lard. The women are almost always not in love with you, they are in love with what your wallet can do.Men of power are particularly obnoxious in assuming that the more women they floor, the more love they get.
There is this false belief that once you ascend to higher office or make some few coins, you should now have a large net with which to catch women.What they are ignorant of  is the fact that women are not the Omena Fish,you do not need to eat a ton load to get full.If you find yourself unable to resist the women, then you must have some method to your madness.Many men get caught because they lose all their common sense when confronted with a willing recipient of their affections.
The grapevine is awash with tales of men who are ferried in motorcades with all manner of flags who find it easier to conduct their pleasure businesses on the carpets of their offices.There are also others who would rather take care of their carnal needs in the back-seat of their cars as if they are high school students.
If you  must be a volatile bull who must have paramours in every town, and village, then you  need to rethink your bedding strategy.It sounds impractical, but those who find favour and fortune should also try and keep ordinary friends with whom they share a history.Cheap is expensive in matters of such nature since there will always be someone willing to spill the beans to get some extra case on the side.It may be fashionable for one to dump friends who have not moved up with you in the success ladder - often because we like to believe that they may be out of place.Keeping one or two well-spirited folks from the past goes a long way in keeping it real especially when it comes to bad behaviour involving booze or women or even both.
You need a few good friends who do not get blinded by the stardom who can correct you when thing go wrong.Today, we have many who believe that because they have made it, they have a license to drop the belts, zips and leashes that keep their libido in reasonable check.Just remember that logic and libido have been battling each other since the Stone Age. Evidence shows that when libido wins, great names come crushing.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gor Mahia fans need to style - up!

If there are people in urgent need of adulthood education,its the Gor Mahia fans. They can be best decribed as ignomurus and illiterate and at worst as morons.Everybody has a right to exercise his or her freedom,but that does not mean infringing on other people's freedom.Indeed its without any fear of contradiction, that am convinced most  Gor Mahia fans are still living in the stone age. They are obnoxious,inept and myopic. Their prowess when it comes to stone throwing come second to none. It is still not clear to me why  Gor Mahia fans vent out their anger or excitement to un-bothered motorist and pedestrians. Their bad intention is clear by their  songs of war .They sing when the feel aggrieved,its explains how they view the game.To them its not just a game but a battle.

Two times I have encountered these hooligans and I have seen them behave badly.They put rocks on the road,board vehicles without owner's consent by force and at times vandalize vehicles of innocent motorists. Its important that these hound-rums know that some people care - less about football. The image created by these people only serve to keep away football fans who would love to attend such matches. This is a form of impunity and its indicate how our society is. If these are the people expected to support our footballs teams then we are in a lot of trouble.

As much as we condemn and abhor poor refereeing with contempt we cannot support hooliganism.There are better way to arbitrate such issues.The fans should be ashamed of themselves and they should remain tolerant regardless of the issue they feel was not fair. Its seems they have not learnt the repercussion of such actions.Its obvious that there will be penalties. They should learn that football is a game for leisure and thus a win or loss should not heighten their emotions to the extent that they lose their calm and rationality.

We sincerely hope that we shall not witness such behaviour in future.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fresh Fish

The Japanese have always loved fresh fish. But the waters close to  Japan have 
not held many fish for decades.So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went further than ever.  

The further the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish would not be fresh. The Japanese did not like the taste. To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay away longer.  

However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish. The frozen fish brought a lower price. So fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks. After a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive. Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the difference.  

Because the fish did not move for days, they lost their fresh-fish taste. The Japanese preferred the lively taste of fresh fish, not sluggish fish. So how did Japanese fishing companies solve this problem? How do they get fresh-tasting fish to  Japan ? If you were consulting for the fish industry, what would you recommend? 

Let's start by bringing this closer to home.  

You have set yourself some goals, and you actually manage to achieve them. As soon as you reach these goals, such as finding a wonderful mate, starting a successful company, paying off your debts or whatever, you generally lose your passion for whatever it is. You don't need to work so hard so you relax. You experience the same problem as lottery winners who waste their money, wealthy heirs who never grow up, and bored homemakers who get addicted to prescription drugs.  

As with the Japanese fish problem, the solution is probably simple, you will see. It was observedby L. Ron Hubbard in the early 1950's that "man thrives, oddly enough, only in the presence of a challenging environment", in his work on 'the benefits of a challenge'. The more intelligent, Persistent and competent you are, the more you enjoy a good problem. If your challenges are of the correct size, and if you are steadily conquering those challenges, you are happy. You think of yourchallenges and get energized. You are excited to try new solutions. You have fun. You are alive!!! 

How did the Japanese got the fish stay fresh? To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks, but now they add a small shark to each tank. The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state. The fish are given a challenge to keep going. 

Personal Recommendation: 
Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into them. Beat the heck out of them.Enjoy the same.  

If your challenges are too large or too numerous, do not give up. While failing may disappoint you, consider yourself lucky, cause you still have a challenge to overcome. Therefore, don't give up,instead reorganize. Find more determination, more knowledge, more help.If you have met your goals, set yourself some bigger ones. Once you meet your personal or family needs, move onto goals for your group,the society, even mankind.  

Don't create success and lie in it. You have resources, skills and abilities to make a difference!!! 

So, put a shark in your little tank and see how far you can really go....... 

You must always have more work than you can finish every day of your life! For life-long enjoyment!! 
Indefatigable W. 

Fresh Fish

The Japanese have always loved fresh fish. But the waters close to  Japan have not held many fish for decades.So to feed the Japanese population, fishing boats got bigger and went further than ever.  

The further the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish would not be fresh. The Japanese did not like the taste. To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay away longer.  

However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish. The frozen fish brought a lower price. So fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks. After a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive. Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the difference.  

Because the fish did not move for days, they lost their fresh-fish taste. The Japanese preferred the lively taste of fresh fish, not sluggish fish. So how did Japanese fishing companies solve this problem? How do they get fresh-tasting fish to  Japan ? If you were consulting for the fish industry, what would your recommend? 

Let's start by bringing this closer to home.  

You have set yourself some goals, and you actually manage to achieve them. As soon as you reach these goals, such as finding a wonderful mate, starting a successful company, paying off your debts or whatever, you generally lose your passion for whatever it is. You don't need to work so hard so you relax. You experience the same problem as lottery winners who waste their money, wealthy heirs who never grow up, and bored homemakers who get addicted to prescription drugs.  

As with the Japanese fish problem, the solution is probably simple, you will see. It was observed by L. Ron Hubbard in the early 1950's that "man thrives, oddly enough, only in the presence of a challenging environment", in his work on 'the benefits of a challenge'. The more intelligent, Persistent and competent you are, the more you enjoy a good problem. If your challenges are of the 
correct size, and if you are steadily conquering those challenges, you are happy. You think of your challenges and get energized. You are excited to try new solutions. You have fun. You are alive!!! 

How did the Japanese got the fish stay fresh? 
To keep the fish tasting fresh, the Japanese fishing companies still put the fish in the tanks, but now they add a small shark to each tank. The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state. The fish are given a challenge to keep going. 

Personal Recommendation: 

Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into them. Beat the heck out of them.Enjoy  the same.  If your challenges are too large or too numerous, do not give up. While failing  may disappoint you, consider yourself lucky, cause you still have a challenge to overcome. Therefore, don't give up, instead reorganize. Find more determination, more knowledge, more help.If you have met your goals, set yourself some bigger ones. Once you meet your personal or family needs, move onto goals for your group,the society, even mankind.  Don't create success and lie in it. You have resources, skills and abilities to make a difference!!! So, put a shark in your little tank and see how far you can really go....... You must always have more work than you can finish every day of your life! For life-long enjoyment!! 
Indefatigable W. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ways to increase your productivity at work

Many things goes into having a fruitful career including being able to increase productivity Working at the same rate with the same outcome day in and day out will get you consistent results. Consistent results will never get you ahead in this world. Being able to have consistent results in your work will hold you over for a little while. To be successful in any work that you do, you need to be able to increase productivity at work when you need to. This will make you more successful and will help you to earn more money in the long run no matter what line of work that you are in.


    • 1
      Start your work by making a priority list. There are things at work that need to be completed on a daily basis. It is important to have them noted in a detailed way, prioritizing what needs to be done to increase productivity.
    • 2
      Check e~mails and voice mail at work at 2 to 5 times a day to increase productivity. regularly checking e~mails and all the other great technological advances will save precious time away from work related activities in a day that you can use to get more work done.
    • 3
      Re-evaluate your priority  list at about mid day through your work day to see how you are doing. It is crucial to make sure that you are on track to accomplish all that you need to do when you are trying to increase productivity. Reset your list and get back to work.
    • 4
      Its good to avoid taking on any more projects that you cannot easily handle during your work day. One of the ways to get productivity out of track is to over schedule yourself. Only add to your tasks at hand when you know that you can finish the job without adding headache to your day.

      This among others will help increase productivity at work.Its imperative that companies and organizations constantly remind the employees of this steps. Other ways of increasing productivity include good rewards,conducive working environment,encouraging team work and regularly engaging in team building.This will set you in motion.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

High cost of fuel is as a result of poor planning

Kenyans are very sad indeed.In the last few weeks we have watched helplessly as government and oil marketers engage in a blame game. Kenyans had to contend from high cost of oil to lack of oil.As the old adage goes,its like jumping from the pan to the fire.One thing is clear though that the government and oil marketers are at best obnoxious/ inept and at worst impotent.Since independence Kenyans have not experienced what they have experienced even during KANU era when there was no professionalism in any government sector.Its very disheartening to see our country grinding to a halt due to ineffectiveness of some few people. We are surprised that we did not see the Minister of energy and his senior staff resign. But this is Kenya.

Even though we are cognizant of the fact that world fuel prices have gone beyond the roof,the prices in Kenya does not reflect that. Greed and indolence seems to be the order of the day in this lucrative oil industry. Its very unfortunate for the ministry of energy to have to  wait for the president to intervene so that thing could normalize. This just shows the level of ineffectiveness in some sectors of our government.

Its is very bad that our leaders have reduced our country to the level where we act when there is an emergency. Its shows levels of lack of proper planning and strategic focus.But where did the rain start beating us?In USA for example the government buys a lot of oil when the cost is not prohibitive and store it in large reserves. Through this the government is able to cushion the citizens from the volatile international prices. Kenya should adopt this idea and empower Kenya National Oil Corporation. The other action the government should take is to source the product directly from oil producing countries.A  government to government involvement.This will reduce high cost due to cartels and unnecessary brokers. Lastly the government need to liberalize the market and allow anybody who can bring the product the leeway.This will allow competition and hence price reduction.

A thorough audit in the oil industry is crucial to clean it up.Politicians should not be allowed to have any interest in such an important sector as this makes it hard to streamline the sector.Its time a careful overhaul is implemented in the oil industry if we are to avoid a repeat of high cost and lack of gasoline in petrol stations

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

War on terrorism is just beginning

As we welcome the capture and  death of Osama bin Laden,I have a feeling that there is nothing to celebrate.Many of us have  had to watch and listen to the harrowing stories people have had to tell.All this in attempt to capture Osama.The collateral damage that resulted in his death is very disturbing and as as we welcome the capture and death of Osama we must not forget the people who have died and suffered in the process.We must pray for their souls to rest in peace. One thing is clear though, the issue of Osama is shrouded by ideological disagreements and arguments and its not yet clear why Pakistan authorities never realized that Osama was living  in that country.Its also raised a lot of questions than answers, why it took USA too long to capture him and if indeed there was any good will? If the argument from some quarters in anything to go by then we are not seeing the last of it.It has been argued that terrorism is more beneficial to USA than any other country in the world or lack of it.This is through sale of weaponry and ammunitions. USA alone account for 42% of total sales in the world.Indeed when all sectors in USA performed dismally in last few years this sector recorded phenomenal results.

But what does the death of Osama the leader of terrorist group Al-Qaeda mean to the fight against terrorism? My hunch is not much and my crystal ball tells me the battle has just begun.Please allow me to explain. Scholars of collective behaviour and social movements argue that terrorism is a form of social movement.Social movement is largely seen as a type of mass or group action. They are large informal groupings of individuals and or organizations focused on specific political or social issues, in other words, on carrying out, resisting or undoing a social change. It means the murder of Osama will result in reorganization of this terrorist groups and they will plan retaliation attacks against USA and her supporters. 

The sympathisers of Osama are going to regroup and act as may be explained by these social movements theories:

  1. Contagion Theory - It was advanced  by Gustave Le Bon. According to him, crowds exert a hypnotic influence over their members. Shielded by their anonymity, large numbers of people abandon personal responsibility and surrender to the contagious emotions of the crowd. A crowd thus assumes a life of its own, stirring up emotions, and driving people toward irrational, even violent action. 
  2. Convergence Theory - whereas the Contagion Theory states that crowds cause people to act in a certain way, Convergence theory states that people who want to act in a certain way come together to form crowds. It asserts that people with similar attributes find other like-minded persons with whom they can release underlying tendencies. People sometimes do things in a crowd that they would not have the courage to do alone because crowds can diffuse responsibility. Crowds, in addition, can intensify a sentiment simply by creating a critical mass of like-minded people.
  3. Emergent-Norm Theory - according to Ralph Turner and Lewis Killian, crowds begin as collectivities composed of people with mixed interests and motives. Especially in the case of less stable crowds—expressive, acting and protest crowds—norms may be vague and changing, as when one person decides to break the glass windows of a store and others join in and begin looting merchandise. In short, people in crowds make their own rules as they go along.
The killing of Osama will not make terrorists fear but they will regroup and use different tactics as to avoid being captured. The fundamentalist will not be cowed by the killing but will use this as a strength and with the ideologies inculcated in them,this are hard-liners who do not fear being killed or if their leader is killed for that matter.To them Osama  is a martyr.

How then can war on terrorism be won?Although unlikely to be won easily,we can reduce the seriousness of it.The first step is by stabilizing countries like Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq where terrorism has thrived.No war can be won unless these countries are stable and have functional government.We also need to change the thinking of these terrorist groups and dismantle their ideology. Although not easy we have to make an effort if we wish to live in a relatively peaceful world

Monday, May 2, 2011

Property developers must reposition themselves

Looking at the property sector one will notice that rental yields are on a downward trend in Kenya.This is a sign that things are set to become a bit stormy for developers who invested in high-end apartments.Indeed it will take them a longer time now to recover capital mobilized into a property.

Furthermore, developers who took mortgage loans from financial institutions to build rental properties have to dig deeper into their pockets to increase their monthly mortgage payments. This is widely refereed to as negative equity. This occurs when property prices appreciate quickly over a short time but rents remain the same over the same period. This is not good news for developers as it has been widely seen as the most fertile ground to invest be many.

Facts from the ground  shows that  while property prices have double or in some cases even tripled,the rental income charged on apartments has remained more or less the same. Pricing in the residential housing market shows that property prices have risen by about 55 per cent in the last three years, while rents have risen by about 18 per cent over the same period,this has resulted in thinning out returns on investment.

The depressed rental yield is largely attributed to increased supply of apartments and townhouses in the past couple of years as developers moved with speed to provide high density housing to maximise returns, while buyers’ preference shifted to stand alone units.The current lifestyle desires are fuelling demand for stand-alone houses, which has continually reported the highest gains on both value appreciation and rent income since beginning of 2009.
The findings seem to portray that asking prices rose more slowly in the first quarter of the year than in the final quarter of last year, but the gap between asking and closing prices continued to widen, driven by an ambitious pricing of apartments and maisonettes.

In addition, middle-income market villa sales recorded the strongest price rises of the quarter, while up-market villa prices were more stable even as the apartments and maisonettes rarely closed at asking prices.Its also clear that the market is not supporting price rises in the apartment segment.On rent, the rental market remained depressed, with rents asked for townhouses on a downward trend especially  in the first quarter , almost to the point where we expect it will begin to discourage new landlords from entering the market.Its important to note that trouble lies ahead for the real estate market as a result of soaring land prices in and around urban areas.The current trends could leave the country’s cities with a ‘dead stock’ of outer-city apartments and maisonettes. The disparity in demand was already apparent.

Only time will tell but remedial actions need to be taken such as lowering the cost of contraction and focusing more on middle and low cost houses rather than high end market houses.


HassConsult Property Index third Quarter

Karua has the credentials to be Kenya next President

Its not beyond most people's ken and I have no doubt that Gichugu member of Parliament possesses qualities needed to be the next president of the republic of Kenya.Her critics argue that she is a political schizophrenic but I beg to differ.Here is why.Many agree that she is versatile debator.Those who have cared to watch her debate in and out of parliament will agree with me.She knows how to articulate issues and she is very eloquent.

Besides this, her record when it comes to corruption is splendind.Despite having occupied several high ranking positions in the goverment,she has not been mentioned in any of the meger scandals such as goldenberg,Angloleasing and the maize scandal.Only a few can stand this test postively with the current crop of politilcal class.My crystal ball tells me only  Uhuru and Eugine can come close to this.

She also stand high on the pedestal when it comes to ethinicity.She represent a break from a bad tradition where our presidents must first be installed as tribal chiefs by their respective communities before seeking presidency.She has managed to be above board and she represent the best hope for this country to unite at last. She appears to resonate well with the problem afflicting the common man and woman of this country.She is also appealing to the youths of this country.She is very active in the social media offering her opinion regarding national issues.Indeed the youths have a candidate now who they can easily identify with.They have always argued that they are not tribal but they lack a good candidate.Martha Karua is a a good candidate for the youth then.Women too should support Martha unequivocally.She has been very vocal and a champion of women rights.Women should use their numbers to ensure that she win the presidency.

Her only undoing is the fact that she is very arrogant and the fact that she like portraying herself as modest.She should be ready to hear all people and realize that arrogance will bring her down.Arrogance is a sure way of failing.Its ostentation,vainglory and pretence and has no room in our modern Kenya.The hollierthanthou display of herself is also unfortunate.Nobody is perfect and she must admit when she makes mistatkes.The fact that she never accepts any mistakes that she made in the past waters down her otherwise good credentials.

Only time will tell what becomes of Martha.I wish her well in her ambitions and let her know that being humble is a great vitue towards greater leadership.