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Saturday, May 21, 2011

When great names come crushing!

The events of the past few weeks have had me deeply reflecting on what happens when power goes to a man’s head as we witnessed three great men get floored by their behaviour around the opposite sex that may be hard to understand. kindly allow me to explain.

Samuel Wanjiru was a great athlete and his prowess is  in no doubt and chances are that it will be a long time before we have another like him.It is distressing that his achievements, featured across major papers in the world after he died, are being painted against the backdrop of a colourful collage of bedroom shenanigans.In another country, another man , Dominique Strauss-Kahn the immediate head of IMF-International Monetary Fund is about to have his career record and presidential ambitions decimated by his quest to bed some unwilling woman.What is even more mesmerizing is that this man, who has made a life out of helping over 1160 countries put their financial houses in order, has a track record of constantly unleashing his unwelcome attention on women.Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger,the former governor of California state has divorced with his wife due to similar reasons.

Surely, it is somewhat comical that while the globe has been reeling from the mess of the economic crisis and rising inflation, the man still had time to bully some unwilling woman to perform some rather bizarre acts of pleasure on him.Strauss-Kahn, who presides over an institution that prescribes serious structural adjustment programmes for nations even admitted that he could not help his addiction for women.Because we seem to have become a country that churns out numerous celebs and men and women of power, I think it is time we gave them a reality check.
To begin with, no man should assume that having a sudden burst of power and money turns him into a sexy demi-god.All those women who seem to magically appear at every turn have not suddenly discovered some unseen talents.The truth is that nothing is sexier for a woman than a hefty wallet that sits on the  pocket of a powerful man.
It does not matters if the said owner is a midget, a giant, skinny or is even a tub of lard. The women are almost always not in love with you, they are in love with what your wallet can do.Men of power are particularly obnoxious in assuming that the more women they floor, the more love they get.
There is this false belief that once you ascend to higher office or make some few coins, you should now have a large net with which to catch women.What they are ignorant of  is the fact that women are not the Omena Fish,you do not need to eat a ton load to get full.If you find yourself unable to resist the women, then you must have some method to your madness.Many men get caught because they lose all their common sense when confronted with a willing recipient of their affections.
The grapevine is awash with tales of men who are ferried in motorcades with all manner of flags who find it easier to conduct their pleasure businesses on the carpets of their offices.There are also others who would rather take care of their carnal needs in the back-seat of their cars as if they are high school students.
If you  must be a volatile bull who must have paramours in every town, and village, then you  need to rethink your bedding strategy.It sounds impractical, but those who find favour and fortune should also try and keep ordinary friends with whom they share a history.Cheap is expensive in matters of such nature since there will always be someone willing to spill the beans to get some extra case on the side.It may be fashionable for one to dump friends who have not moved up with you in the success ladder - often because we like to believe that they may be out of place.Keeping one or two well-spirited folks from the past goes a long way in keeping it real especially when it comes to bad behaviour involving booze or women or even both.
You need a few good friends who do not get blinded by the stardom who can correct you when thing go wrong.Today, we have many who believe that because they have made it, they have a license to drop the belts, zips and leashes that keep their libido in reasonable check.Just remember that logic and libido have been battling each other since the Stone Age. Evidence shows that when libido wins, great names come crushing.

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